Andrea Valdivieso

Tax Law, Successions, Tax and Accounting Management

Tax adviser at 3.0 Lawyers and Tax Advisers. Her incorporation into the firm has served to strengthen the Tax Law and Tax and Accounting Management areas, while also allowing her to gain experience in preparing and filing the most important tax returns-settlements and in tax consultancy services related to the daily activities of companies.

In addition, she takes part in providing advice in Tax Inspections and drafting Economic-Administrative appeals and/or claims against actions taken by public authorities and requests for the return of incorrect tax payments affecting taxpayers’ rights or interests.

Education and Training

Bachelor’s degree in law from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UB)*

Currently studying a Master’s Degree in taxation and tax consultancy at Centro de Estudios Financieros, Barcelona (CEF).


* Pending the award of the end of course project mark.


Spanish, Catalan and English.

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